When you have experienced others putting you down you will start to reflect that same negative energy onto yourself. You might find yourself unknowingly being hard or critical of yourself, especially if it’s coming from the people closest to you. As we age we come to know more about ourselves and what we are willing to put up with. For some of us, our journeys will require us to redefine what self-worth means.
When you don’t truly know your self-worth you are bound to believe any and everything, or at least accepting it; even more so if it’s coming from someone you are in a relationship with. These mentally brutal experiences that we go through can take a toll on our spirit and how we look at ourselves. The important thing is to separate yourself from the toxic energy that is spewed from these type of people in your life.
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Negative self-talk can stem from others speaking to us in a negative manner. If you’ve ever experienced verbal abuse then you know just how damaging it can be on your self-esteem and confidence. It takes time to understand that you’re not the problem. Now in regards to self-worth, you have to define what that is for yourself. Through all of our unique but seemingly relatable life experiences we each have different needs. When you are trying to bounce back and redefine your self-worth you have to do some personal adjustments. Even emotionally strong people can lose sight of who they are and start believing what was projected onto them.
Which toxic experiences are you no longer willing to tolerate? Write these things down. Not only will this help to give you an understanding of what your boundaries are, but you are also releasing what was embedded. This will be a great start to shaping your worth. It will take much practice and restraint to not fall back into what you were used to. It’s unfortunate, but true that we allow certain behavior to occur. If someone is still going through this type of treatment they might be thinking, “how?!” My younger self would have agreed with the same notion, but not anymore. Even when it doesn’t feel like it, we have power. We have to have enough courage to stop hosting bad company.
Redefining self-worth will really take doing things you don’t want to do in this moment but you will be so relieved after you cut the toxicity out of your life. You will come to really grasp the meaning behind “they’re not worth it,” which is the absolute truth. Start to tell yourself that you will no longer allow an unworthy person to control your worth.
I’m not sure who’s needing to hear all of this but soon you will see clear and be over this hurdle. I know it’s not easy to be positive and manifest a better life when you don’t believe that you are worthy of all that you dream about but maybe you have to start from an unknown territory at first at start repaving your lane. Self-worth can be led astray by people not even worth the time of day.
Happy. Healthy. Healing. 💚