We’ve made it to the last month of a year like no other in our lifetime thus far. Although the year is almost coming to an end this doesn’t mean that a new year automatically resets life.
No matter what journey you’re on right now you have to understand the importance of gratitude.
Life is not going to be easy or always go your way. Regardless of what occurs, with gratitude you will prevail.
I know this year was unexpected and you had plans that didn’t turn into fruition. Many people have used this year as a sign to follow their passions. All-in-all there is always something to be grateful for.
Becoming a person who displays gratitude and remembering to be grateful during each situation you are faced with is not something that comes effortlessly for many of us. Practicing gratitude is a skill that you will need in order to grow and progress on your path.
Staying grateful during trying times will require some work.
Here we go!
One major way to stay grateful is to not compare.
If you are still in the habit of comparing everything you have going on in your own life with the next person’s, you have to stop this now. We each have our own journey and dwelling on the accomplishments of someone else and everything that is making you envious of them only hurts you.
For one, this is time consuming. There is no need to scroll through your social media feeds and spend time looking at people and things that bring you down or negatively affect your mindset. What do you gain when you do this? Nothing constructive, positive or beneficial.
We really have to make a conscious effort to only consume what fills us up.
The fact that you voluntarily compare is also a problem. You have to love yourself enough to not fall for the comparison game. You have so much to love about yourself and to focus on rather than looking to see what others have. You are everything that you need.
Comparisons can be completely inaccurate. You can think something is one way when truly it’s far from it. When you compare your lane to someone else’s you have no idea what’s really going on from your view. Even if you think you can see everything you don’t have the same experience. You never know what someone has gone through to get what they have or to get to where they are. By focusing on what’s to the side of you there is a chance you might miss a green light.
In order to be grateful you have to realize that someone always has it worse than you.
This is not to be pessimistic or anything like that, this is a fact for many of us. We can easily be swayed to feeling bad for ourselves or like we just can’t get through a challenge. Even when things seem their worse you have to hold onto your faith and see the good in your life.
Some days you might really have to sit and think about one good thing that happened for you. That’s something and a simple way to exercise gratitude. You really have to learn to be grateful for the little things. The grandeur things in life will come but you have to be grateful for where you’re at right now.
Look to your support system.
When you are in a funk and think nothing good is happening for you, you need your support system to lean on. The closest people in your life are apart of your life to help you with things like this. Sometimes along the journey you can forget who you are and start to question and doubt everything. There are people in your corner who love you and know that you will be successful in everything that will soon come.
It might take having a real conversation and a pep talk for you to gain your confidence back. Your support system’s perspective is less sabotaging than your own so they are able to remind you of what you have to be grateful for.
Related Post: What to Look for in a Support System
Attitude is key if you want to remain grateful.
Positive people may not have everything figured out but they’re still pushing through. Positivity and gratefulness go hand in hand. You cannot be grateful if you don’t have a positive outlook.
What we think and speak will eventually start to reflect. If you spend your time focusing on the bad rather than the good you will cloud yourself with all that comes with the bad. You will bring your energy down to a level that is harmful to your spirit.
Nothing good comes from being negative.
Staying away from negative energy will help with remaining grateful.
We all have known someone or have been around someone who is just negative. You might immediately sense this type of energy when you are around certain people. Negative energy mixed with your own energy won’t help you to stay grateful.
Either you’ll be so drained and sidetracked by this energy or it will start to rub off on you and cause you to lack trust in your reality.
No matter who in your life might be the culprit of displaying this negative energy it’s important to dissociate yourself from it. Don’t invite the negativity into your space or psyche. Keep believing that good is all around you, even when you don’t see it.
You may have also been negative in the past or maybe you still have those moments now. It’s ok, we’ve all been there.
You have to be grateful even during uncertainty.
Think about all that you’ve accomplished and still want to accomplish.
We must all be grateful for where we are, where we’ve been and where we’re going. None of us have all of the answers but the steps that we’ve taken so far deserve our recognition.
I know you might feel like you haven’t done enough but try to be grateful for the opportunities and experiences that you’ve had that have gotten you to where you are today.
Staying grateful during trying times will require a lot of trust.
You will have to find ways to trust your abilities, timing and know that God has a better plan.
These days that we’re currently facing cannot force us to give up. You will make it through what you’re being faced with.
When you’re grateful you don’t make room to be bothered by what isn’t happening. Your reality becomes overflowed with peace.
Tell us, what are you grateful for?